Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Complete Beginners Guide to the DJI Mini 3

Hey folks, today we've got a complete beginner's  guide for the DJI Mini 3 Pro. Now in this video,   I'm going to take you from start to finish.  Basically, all the parts you got in the box,   getting out flying, up in the air, the fundamentals  of obstacle avoidance, the video and photo modes, the vertical shooting, all the new features of  the Mini 3 Pro.

Into the QuickShots, Active Track -    I'm gonna walk you through every single one of  those pieces, over the course of the next 30 45   minutes. You can use the YouTube Chapters along  the bottom, right there, to find the section you   want.

If you're a little more experienced you want  to skip ahead beyond the take-off for example   into some of the more advanced features now i've  got quite a bit of experience flying drones more   than a decade at this point so i'm going to give  you tons of quick tips and practical things along   the way a little tricks that i picked up including  lots of little tips and tricks on the mini throw   in particular cause i've used it for a bit now  and i've got a pretty good feel for what works   really well and where are some of the things to be  aware of okay so that let's get straight into it

Now when you buy the dji mini 3 pro you've got  basically three choices in terms of how you buy it   the first one is to buy it without a remote  controller that means you have an existing   remote controller from dji that's compatible with  it probably this one right here or you can buy it   with the base remote controller in this remote  controller you're going to go ahead and use your   phone it's going to snap at the top right there  just like most past dji remotes and that works

dji mavic 3 pro Great the second option you have is to go ahead  and buy the new dji rc this is this controller   right here this has a screen built into it so  you don't have to worry about taking your phone   everything's kind of consolidated it just works a  little more cleanly in the past i would have said   not to bother buying the fancy remotes they're  just way too expensive almost a thousand bucks

In those cases but this one again is fantastic in  terms of the quality the build the practicality   the ease of it i really recommend getting this  note that you do have to have some sort of remote   control unlike dji drones from yesteryear you  know three to five years ago where you use your   phone you can't just exclusively use your phone  to connect to the dji mini 3 so you will need   to have some sort of dji remote control in order  to fly it

The next piece is and the drone itself   you can see it right here now it's got a battery  hole in the back and then there's basically two   different types of batteries depending on where  you live so you have the base battery which has   the 249 grams shown on the back of it right there  keeping the weight under 250 grams helps in some   countries to avoid registration licensing check  which with whatever country you're in to figure   out whether that applies to you

The second battery  is intelligent flight battery plus this one right   here this has even more battery time so about 46  minutes of battery time with this battery versus   this one they are identical in size identical  in shape only difference is literally the weight   so with the heavier battery it pushes it above  the 250 gram limit basically putting a different   class for a certain country and then what i'm  holding right here is the battery charging case   so you see there's a little usb port right there  also a regular usb outlet to charge an initial   thing like the remote control you just simply snap  the batteries into it and now you can go ahead and   charge three batteries at once

Though technically  they're sequentially so it charges one battery   little leds inside there one battery to the next  battery the next battery so it's not concurrently   still it's a lot better if you just want to  leave it there for the night let them charge up   takes about an hour an hour and a half to go  ahead and charge the batteries otherwise you can   go ahead and put them into the aircraft and just  charge it using the port in the back right there

Do ensure you don't forget to put a micro sd card  in there though because it's kind of a sad deal if   you've got to do that so with that i'm going to go  ahead and take one of these batteries right there   and i'm going to slide it into the case very  simple go ahead and do that and i'm going to open   up the wings slide it down like this slide it open  again swing it down slide it open and now you've   got the aircraft all unfolded now you're going to  take the gimbal cover off this piece right there   and then this is the gimbal itself now in a lot of  ways you want to treat the gimbal kind of like a   flower in the sense that it's relatively fragile

Like if you were just going to just use your hand   and move it around a bunch you might break it i'm  just touching it like this is not going to hurt   it too much you'll notice the gimbal rotates  up and down and essentially keeps the camera   absolutely perfectly stable you might see today's  a little bit windy right now uh thus it'll keep   this thing perfect like there's no wind whatsoever  and you'll see that as we get going it also allows   you to move the camera around and control the  orientation

Now you'll note there are four   propellers on it one two three four the propellers  do actually have slightly different configurations   there's two different types of propellers and  the way you can tell the difference if you look   there's these two little markings right there  that little black marking a little black marking

But it's not on these ones here if you do need  to replace the propellers your kit would have   included an extra set of props you just put  a little screwdriver on the top just make   sure you put them on the correct one otherwise  bad things will happen basically probably flip   over the aircraft it's not horrendous but it's  not ideal way to get your flight started next   we've got the optical avoidance sensors this  is new on the dji mini 3.

back in the days   prior to the mini series what was called a spark  there was actually obstacle avoidance sensors   now they're back again there are two front row  facing ones these two right here there are two   downward facing ones these two right here and  then there is two rearward facing ones right there

Uh the front ones and downward ones have a little  bit more power in terms of range and horizontal as   well as vertical viewpoints so think of it like a  giant camera so it's not just straightforward it's   actually more like this and it's more like this  so it allows you a lot more range in terms of what   it avoids and the same is true of the backwards  ones just with a little bit narrower field of view

Finally there's the button to power it on  i press it once and let go and then long hold it   again you'll see it lights all the leds up and you  might have heard of this and now watch the gimbal   we'll go ahead and rotate around just a second  there's a little boop saying it's alive and the   game will lock itself in place and then we'll go  ahead and make sure all of its self-test checks   are done this chain was true now for the remote  control

I go ahead and i just see this middle   button right there i press it once to see the led  status at the top that's my total battery and then   i can just press it again to go ahead and turn it  on now for this video i'm going to use the dji rc   there is absolutely zero difference whatsoever  between the dji rc and this controller here in   terms of everything

I show in the video and in  terms of things i don't show in the video the only   difference is that the dji rc on the bottom has  two function buttons that are customizable regular   rc actually also has ones you can customize up  in the top corner there now if you've got the   base dji remote here go and just pop your phone in  the top there and then use a little included cable   to connect it to your phone you'll want to install  the dji app that's an app on android or ios

That allows you to control the controller and the drone  everything like that at that point you're ready to   fly now when it comes to choosing a takeoff spot  you want to choose somewhere that's relatively   clean and free so in this case i'm going to put it  right there the reason i'm choosing that is that   it won't go ahead and hit the grass so i put it  over here like this the props will hit the grass   and it might stop it also don't put any sort of  metal surface like the top of a car for example   or a sewer grate that will go ahead and interfere  with the compass inside of it and it will probably

Throw an error message but it also might confuse  it and screw it up for later on in flight next   you'll see on the roll controller right now that  it offers me to do a beginner tutorial beginner   flight tutorial i'd recommend doing that in this  case though i'm going to skip that because i'm   going to basically do it for you go confirm ignore  that and now you can see what the drone itself is

Showing the very first thing i want to do though  is to double check a couple parameters so go   ahead and choose a dot dot at the top so this  little option right up here in the corner there   uh and now validate that obstacle avoidance  is enabled in my case i have a set for bypass   break means that instead of going around  something it's just going to simply stop out right

That's something we can talk about later on  next if we slide on down in the options here   i always validate that the max distance and the  max altitude are set the max altitude is something   that you want to validate it's not going to go  above that in most countries you're looking at 400   feet to about 120 meters or so so that's what i  set it for there from like a regulatory standpoint and max distance can again depend on your country  but in my case

i'm mostly doing it so if the   aircraft goes somewhere shouldn't i know i can  at least find it so it's about 1500 meters away   and then also you can set your automatic return  to home altitude that's the auto rth you see right   there return to home means that if it loses  connection with the controller or something   happens where it can't connect to you anymore

it'll automatically turn to this exact same spot   in this case i want to do that relatively high  about 100 meters that way it's going to avoid   anything along its path and 100 meters around  here means it's going to basically avoid well   pretty much everything next thing you want to do  especially absolutely this is your first flight   with this drone is ensure the firmware is updated

it should have prompted you by now to do this   but you tap the about button right there and  go down there under aircraft firmware and just   do check for updates and that'll go ahead and  check and make sure there's no updates available   that's super important on dji drones because  they will be made months ago at this point   and that firmware won't even have half the

features i'm talking about like it literally   will not have things like 4k60 all the quick shot  modes those will be missing uh so you definitely   want to ensure that your firmware is updated to  at least the level you see right there before   you get started finally validate up in the corner  there that you've got a full battery so you see   96 right there you see that the rc status has a  full signal

You see right next to that the   optical avoidance is enabled there's no red  you're just basically looking for no red on   the top of your controller uh you see i've got 30  satellites available right now which is incredible   and then when i first power it on it'll say home  point updated the home point has been updated   once it has about 12 satellites do not take off  before it says home point updated or that has all   of its satellites if you do it will not be able  to find its way back to here

Additionally   if you take off before all the satellites it won't  necessarily be very stable in flight so that let's   go ahead and just simply take off uh now there's  two ways to do this one we can press this button   that's located right here uh let's see if you can  see it right there this will go ahead and say take   off just simply hold this for a couple seconds  it'll spin up the props and it'll automatically

Take itself up up to about two meters meter and  a half or so and now you'll see it's gonna go and   stay put there once it gets in the air it's  using its ground sensors basically pointing   downwards of the ground to maintain its exact  position in concert with the gps side of things   i usually press record at this point so i don't  forget to do that later on in fact i usually try   to do it when i get in the ground right there  and what's notable is that while the aircraft   is kind of tilting at the side because of the wind

Right here the actual image that you see in this   is perfectly flat so i'm going to get the aircraft  up in the air higher usually to get up in the air   and out of the way pretty quickly to do that i  just use the left controller and go up like this

This gets it up like that and then i can go  ahead and rotate it left and right rotate the   camera basically about its axis by turning like  this you can see it just rotates the camera the   entire aircraft to the right now in the case  of a drone like this you're rotating the entire   aircraft so you aren't actually just changing  the camera angle so you can see it goes all the

Way around and then i can go ahead now and go up  again like this and then go down by going down   and then i can change left and right and go  to the left by pressing my stick over here   this now puts me over the water to the left  and then i go the exact same way like this   the other direction and now i can go forward  by pressing the sticks forward like this and   then again back like this now one of the things  i should have checked before i got in the air   is that i'm actually in the correct mode

So you  see there's three mode selectors at the top here   c and an s c is cinematic mode that basically just  slows everything down in terms of the moves and   makes it theoretically more cinematic i it again  just slows everything down it's all it really does   and then n is normal mode and s is sport mode  be aware in sport mode though it turns off   all the obstacle avoidance sensors allows  you to fly a lot faster more angular things   like that but i wouldn't recommend it unless  you really know what you're doing i will show   at the end of the video though

Now it's super  important to note a couple of safety options here   the first one is this button right there this has  two features to it one is to pause whatever you're   doing so if you're doing an automatic flight  shot or something like that you can just press   that button to instantly pause it but you can  also always take your hands off the controllers   so if i'm flying like this i'm going somewhere  and i'm just concerned i'm gonna hit these trees

Just let go just literally let go and it instantly  stops what it's doing so again let's say i'm going   down and backwards and i'm like oh no i'm  gonna hit the water just let go and it stops   the next option is to long hold this button right  here with the h on it and that will return it to   home you see it's automatically gonna go and fly  back to its return home location and you see it's   automatically going back you can cancel at any  point in time if i have something x right there   and you can see now it's going to go ahead and go  down to its exact spot that it took off at

But way saying i want to cancel that you just press this  button it pauses and the reason i want to do that  is because if you look it's pretty close  to landing in the bushes and almost the  water there so the return to home location is  generally pretty close but not precisely there   so this particular takeoff location wouldn't have  been like ideal for a beginner i might want to put   it somewhere else that i have more flexibility in  case it has to rth without me necessarily present

Next while we're here at the very bottom you  see the map right there now in my case i don't   have any connectivity for this controller from a  cellular standpoint or wi-fi standpoint i could   hot spot this controller to a wi-fi access point  to my phone but i'm not doing that right here if   i tap this though it'll go ahead and expand it out  there we go and i can see the tracks of where i am   and normally i can see a map right there if you're  on your phone using the real controller with your   phone then you'll see a live map of this updated

I  can go tap that window at the bottom and get back   to this and i can go ahead and remove this all  the way down out of the way by pressing the very   bottom left-hand option there so now i'm going to  fly this out of the way i got some people coming   up here so i'm just going to go ahead and turn  it and then get it out over that field over there

Simple as that now a lot of ways to treat a drone  kind of like you would a camera in a locker room   or a bathroom in a sense that be aware that people  might be afraid of the drone so in my case anytime   i'm near people i'm going to move it far away  these people here are clearly curious about   they're looking up they're checking out they might  even ask me about it but i don't want it anywhere   near them both from regulatory standpoint as well  as just from like a general being a good human

Perspective okay now before we get into all the  video and photo modes one of the most important   things to understand about this drone as well as  any drone is how it's going to handle obstacles   so i'm gonna bring it back down here real quick  and there's a tree over here and i'm gonna go   run into that tree and here is a tree so i'm gonna  bring it down pretty low into the tree in fact i'm   gonna turn my little camera right here so you can  see what's going on there we go i'm gonna position   it right in front of the tree moving the gimbal  up we'll talk about the gimbal in just a second   now you can see right away it shows the very  bottom of the screen downward 3.

2 meters meaning   the ground is within 3.2 meters of the bottom now  as i creep forward right here i'm just going to   point it at this i'm going to creep forward and  you're going to see that it's going to show me   information

You can hear it beeping and it's  starting to go up automatically i'm not doing   anything let me show you this again with the hands  on the controllers so right here i'm going to back   up there we go i'm going to go down some equal  to the tree itself and go right so the tree is   taking up my entire frame right now right and i'm  gonna go and rotate forward on the controllers

You  see it's automatically going up and over it that  is called apas or the advanced pilot automation   system or automated pilot advanced system it's  basically dji's automatic uh obstacle avoidance   system that goes around objects now there are two  different levels of that on the mini three and   it's important to understand the difference so  i'm gonna bring this back real quick again here   and show you the difference so in this case if  you notice at the very bottom those are kind of   paying really close attention a little bit further  back here that my frame rate down there is 4k 24.

i'm going to stop my recording real quick and i'm  going to change the frame rate to 4k 60. so i just   swipe on the bottom there there we go again we'll  cover this portion in just a second and now i'm   gonna start recording again now in this case i'm  above 4k 30 the key being the 30 frames per second

So when i go forward watch what's going to happen  it'll go forward and then it'll stop you hear its   errors or it's all warnings the red on the screen  there indicating that it's got an obstacle in   front of it uh and it's upset it's beeping a bunch  and you can say it's bitcoin it's not going to go   any further forward the core difference between  that what i just showed you a moment ago is with   apas and blow 4k 30 or 4k 30 and below it will  actually go around or above the obstacle

But not   in the case of 4k 60 or the higher frame rates  it just simply stops now to demonstrate those   rearward facing sensors i can go ahead and rotate  this aircraft around so we're going to rotate 180   degrees now it's basically looking forward and  the tree is behind it i'm going to go back into   the tree again just controlling straight back and  you hear it beeping and now it's showing the red   at the bottom there indicating there's something  behind it and it won't fly into it

The key thing   to understand with this drone is there are two  scenarios where it will fly into something being   from the side and up from the top meaning that in  this case there are no sideways obstacle avoidance   sensors so if i were to turn the drone like this  and go ahead and rotate and fly straight into the   side it will do that it'll fly straight in that  tree and it'll crash will it break probably not   it's just going to hit the tree and land well  in the in the little canal water thing there   but if any other portion of tree it it wouldn't  necessarily die um the other thing to be aware   of though is going up into something that's  where you're probably going to kill your drone   is if you're flying below trees and go up into the  tree because there is no optical avoidance sensor   on the top however what dji does here is something  clever with that front obstacle avoidance sensor   it's got a really wide field of view like this so  we can generally see things upwards at an angle so   when it goes around that tree over the top of it  it knows that's clear because it's looking above   at this high angle i'm going to go back to 4k 30  which takes us right into the video mode section   of this flight so there we go back to 4k30 i'm  just going to back this up here take it away from   the tree so i don't listen to that thing anymore  and look at this pretty little boat coming through   here so at this point you can go ahead and tap  that little film strip icon on the upper right   hand corner right there uh and now you'll see  there's a couple different options one there's   normal in slow mode and then you have photo master  shots etc we're going to start off in normal mode   right there and then if you look at the bottom i  see i have the res and fps down at the very bottom   right there as i change my resolution you can see  2.

7 k i got additional frame rates up to 60 frames   at 1080p i also get 50 frames you're wondering  why aren't the 120 frames per second there   that's because again those are back under the  slow-mo option so the top there tap slow-mo under   uh video and now i see these options down here for  one ap at 120 frames per second and again if i go   back to normal mode there i can go back into 4k at  the high resolution which i prefer to keep it in   generally speaking when it comes to video and  resolutions you should shoot the higher the better   even if you're not gonna necessarily  use that in terms of frame rates though   the reason you might want to max out of 30 frames  per second on this drone is it'll shoot hdr video   at 30 frames per second also as you saw you  have more flexibility for obstacle avoidance   when it comes to things like active track that's  only limited to 30 frames per second so i'm gonna   generally shoot 30 frames per second unless i  have a reason to go to 60 frames per second the   reasons being you might want to slow something  down if i want something to maybe look a little   more cinematic i can take 60 frames per second  and then slow that down in post-production to   basically be twice as slow or even three times  a slower to start recording i just press that   record button right there and that allows me to  record now we have a couple of actual physical   buttons on the controller that are useful for  video modes the first one is the gimbal control   up here this little wheel that you see right  there now when i move this wheel it's going to   rotate the gimbal down like this all the way down  to 90 degrees straight down or most interestingly   all the way up to 60 degrees up this means you  can in this case literally see the sun as it were   or you can go ahead and look upwards a tree i  mean some incredibly cool angle options there   bring it on down right here though and the next  option is to zoom so i'm gonna go ahead and turn   rotate the entire aircraft towards the windmill  right there i'm gonna get it in the center of   my frame a little bit and now the zoom option is  this wheel over here so if i just go and rotate   this wheel forward you'll see it'll zoom on in  there and you can see that zoom at one point   so all the way up to 2x i can also just simply  tap that on the right hand side back to 1 and 2x   the thing to understand is that when you zoom  on this drone or really any drone it's reducing   the overall resolution basically just cropping  in that's all it's doing so at this point when   i'm fully zoomed in here it's equivalent to about  a 1080p picture as opposed to the 4k picture and   this can be useful when you don't want to deal  with doing this after the fact like for example   something quickly going up onto social media  but in general again just shoot at 4k in crop   after the fact so you can go ahead and play with  that if you want to in post-production as opposed   to doing it on the controller itself now let's say  this window's a little bit too dark which it is i   can tap on this and then tap on that little sun  and then go up like this and increases exposure   to frame obviously way over exposed now or down  to the bottom and be way underexposed like that   or back to the middle i can also increase the  exposure um down the bottom by choosing the ev   so that's that little option at the very bottom  right hand corner there and now i can tap this   and i can say up a third of a stop for example  or seventh and so on now in addition to changing   the resolutions you can also change the recording  file formats so in the top right hand button there   choose a little dot dot dot and then you go  into camera and you see a format mpv or mov   uh color normal or d cinelike and then the  recoding format 264 265.

in general you're going   to want to shoot in 265 unless you've got a really  old computer that maybe doesn't support that but   you're going to get basically smaller file sizes  in 265 and it's gonna be more efficient you get   more stuff on the drone from a storage standpoint  from a color perspective i'm gonna choose normal   the vast majority of the time that means i don't  to do post-production of this video file if you   look right now so let me just point away from the  sonics we're kind of shooting towards the sun a   little bit get something there to go some clouds  there there's cows and a bar and everything looks   great right looks nice and pretty i'm going to  show you now if i change it to d cinelike this   will remove all the colorfulness but allows  me to go ahead and grade it in post-production   so if you're familiar with color grading and post  production great you might love this if you have   no idea what i'm talking about don't do this it's  just going to add a lot of time and effort and   i don't ever do this like i will very rarely do  this if i got some majestic incredible once in a   lifetime shot that i want to grade afterwards and  i'm only going to do that after i've already shot   it in normal mode because more than likely dji  is going to do a better job of getting that color   right than i am so again here's what it looks like  if you're looking at a full res version of this   and then here is what it looks like if i  go back and change over to the normal mode   now one quick thing to note here is that all the  stuff that you're seeing on the screen recording   is a screen recording at a lower resolution so in  the case of the dji rc it has a screen on itself   of 1080p but the screen recording is actually a  little bit lower than that so it's going to look   a little bit pixelated and blocky to you to me on  the screen that looks really nice and sharp but   the screen recording that it does is lower than  that and of course the actual camera recording of   the camera itself is 4k which is roughly about  four times the resolution of 1080p okay so now   this should kind of show some basic moves here i'm  gonna go ahead i'm gonna rotate this way i'm gonna   go up a little bit of altitude just so we got  a little more perspective i'm gonna go towards   our windmill right there uh and now i'm gonna go  forward so i'm going to push the stick forward   and i'm going to go ahead and then rotate the  gimbal down as i do that so again slowly doing   that a little bit too fast because my timing  wouldn't have had me arrive at the windmill on   time but again you see the point here being to go  ahead and do this i can now go the other direction   so now i'm kind of going ahead and opening up and  you see the windmill as i arrive at it so kind of   cinematic there if you wanted to and now we're  closer to the windmill itself now as i mentioned   earlier on there's a couple of custom buttons that  you can set these are particularly useful for the   video and photo modes so if you choose the top  dot dot at the top there you go to control you   go on down here you see button customization c1  and c2 you have re-center gimbal and follow and   fpv so i can choose what to do for one of these  things i can go ahead and say this will increase   the ev or decrease the ev i can reset the gimbal  i can go into hyperlapse mode these are useful if   you just want to quick action things resetting  the gimbal is a good example of that so to show   what that looks like now is i've got this custom  mode custom one in the bottom i'm first going to   put the gimbal straight down at some wonky angle  of 58 degrees you can see there and i just press   the c1 and boom it's straight back to level again  so now seems like a good time to talk about the   photo modes so i'm going to put this down a little  bit so just a prettier picture look at i'm going   to stop my recording and i'm going to change over  the photo modes so you see that film stream icon   right there i then choose that and choose photo  and now i have more photo options i've got single   48 megapixel aeb burst in time shot i can take a  single picture just by pressing that little single   button like that and boom it takes a picture see  it takes a couple seconds to do that i can then   press this again go to 48 megapixel you'll notice  it looks darker at first it actually turns out   the fine the same turns out great after the fact  and once you press this button and it changes that   and there's a 48 megapixel photo at the very  bottom you'll see that it says the number of   photos remaining 11 or 1164 as well as the format  if i tap on that right now i've got jpeg or jpeg   plus raw for me as a photographer i'm always going  to shoot both just because i just want to have the   flexibility of a raw photo after the fact if you  don't care about that you can choose jpeg but i   would really always choose both if you want to  you then have the exposure options and then you   also have where it says auto you can go ahead and  change all of those photo settings right there so   the shutter speed the f-stop uh your white balance  iso etc i can tap on any one of those things and   go and tweak them so as soon as i do this goes  and changes the scenes i can change my iso   obviously this is looking like crap at this  point but just to show you what you could do   or you can go ahead and on the left-hand side  there you can change your white balance so you can   rotate off of auto and then you can go up and down  obviously it's not going to look super ideal you   can go back to the normal mode by pressing the  pro option there at the bottom and going back   into auto you can see it looks a little bit darker  there a little darker than i prefer exposed down   towards the bottom that's a little more clean  now back into the photo options you see there's   auto exposure bracket or aeb basically you take  a series of photos one after another either three   photos or five photos that are underexposed uh  right in the middle and then overexposed and to   combine those together if i do this right there  it takes those go ahead and you see a processing   basically taking three photos in a row and all  these photos are on the sd card after the fact if   you want to do your own combining and processing  yourself again tapping that you can do burst you   can take three five or seven photos not a ton of  photos but you know if you're trying to catch some   sort of uh quick moving thing that might be useful  but that's pretty low in the grand scheme of burst   photography and then there's time shot time shot  is gonna go ahead and do this on a preset interval   so all the way down from two seconds all the way  up to 60 seconds this is actually super duper   useful in my favorite modes when i want to capture  action of myself or group people without the   controller in the view uh primarily from a photo  standpoint so i may take the two second photo like   that go ahead and press this then put controller  behind my back picture in the sky great it's good   to go same sort of thing if your regulations allow  in your area to put the controller on the ground   do whatever move you want to do you can do  that we'll go back up to this photo option   and then we'll go down all the way to pano these  are also photo modes there but not under the photo   section you've got sphere 180 degrees wide angle  or vertical so if i do the wide angle right now   what it's going to do is a series of photos so i'm  going to press this button and you'll see it'll   move the camera automatically and it's going to  do this and right hand side you see the percentage   there so 16 22 and so on and it's going to take  this whole set of photos at high resolution and   stitch it together into a giant high-res photo  now this works reasonably well on a day like this   where it's relatively sunny there's not a lot of  movement there's no clouds up there uh if it was a   windier day than this and there's a lot of clouds  you see now it's actually doing the stitching   itself then it may not be as great because those  things are going to overlap and be kind of weird   the same if there's a train over there coming  through and it takes photos and different spots   it might look pretty weird as well so you can  see there's that train just uh passing off the   distance wouldn't be as ideal there now let's  get into one of the coolest features of the   mini 3 uh which is the ability to have vertical  video and vertical photos now of course there   will be some peers that are like vertical video is  horrible and that's cool but the reality is that   if you're on instagram with a platform it's like  a social media standpoint you're probably shooting   and using a lot of vertical video video so on  the mini 3 the entire gimbal can rotate itself   so you see that little option above the 1x under  the record button that'll rotate the whole gimbal   so boom it just rotated the gimbal and this is  what it looks like in front of the camera you can   see the whole thing rotate up now i can recenter  my frame there i can still use the 1x and 2x and   i can record just like normal most of the things  work in the video mode but not everything for   example the active track function does not work  in this mode so you don't quite have everything   it does sound like what dj i say and their goal  is that everything will eventually work in the   vertical mode and you can use this for photos as  well as video so again i can go now into the photo   mode here go to photo and do the exact same thing  i go to single photo i don't need a whole bunch of   stuff and there we go i've taken that single  photo and it's good to go now the main benefit   of shooting vertical versus horizontal is that  if you plan to use it in vertical which i know   sounds obvious but if i'm going ahead and taking  a landscape photo and cropping it into vertical   i'm losing a lot of context of the photo in this  case i know it's relatively similar to the aspect   ratio that i'm going to upload to instagram or any  other social media platform or simply just using   it as like a portrait like that's just a this is  probably a better portrait shot if i bring this in   a little bit closer like this down like that it's  just a prettier shot and vertical than it would   be horizontal now i'm going to rotate this back  here for the next bit i'm going to pull it back   a little bit more like this i'm going to take  it off of the 2x now let's talk about some of   the automatic modes so right now i'm going to go  ahead and just simply tap this window i'll make a   circle around it i'll tap it like i'm sorry square  around it and you see it brings up this menu at   the bottom so i just use my finger to draw that  around there i would show you that on this camera   right here my battery has now died on this so  that's good put and i've got three options at the   bottom active track spotlight or poi so active  track is when it's gonna actively follow you   somewhere we're gonna get to that in just a second  spotlight is essentially the same thing it's gonna   keep the camera locked on something but you're  gonna fly it around so if a boat comes by here   i can go ahead and lock it on that but i want  to fly it around and get different angles   so if we do this right now i'm going to choose  spotlight there we go now at this point it's   going to lock it on this so if i choose my right  joystick it's going to automatically rotate around   that windmill or at least what somewhere near the  windmill you see right there it kind of moved away   from the window that little marker is not on the  wimble anymore meaning it's not quite perfectly   centered anymore that can happen occasionally  where the object recognition isn't quite right   go and just cancel that and then circle the window  again you might want to choose a smaller section   of it so that might be too big so really just kind  of narrow down on this little piece right there   see if it finds it there we go and again now if  i just rotate to the right it's going to go ahead   and keep it exactly centered in the frame i can  also increase altitude so all my same controllers   are still available here so i can go and increase  the altitude like this uh i can go ahead and move   back further away by pulling back on the stick  now it's going to go kind of zoom out from it   and now sometimes it moves away from the object  if i get too far away like i can't recognize it   exactly perfectly anymore again you got to kind of  play with this i'm pretty far to this point from   that object at least a couple hundred meters away  just to keep away from the people that are there   uh and again it looks a beautiful shot and i'm  not doing any fancy flying i'm literally just   holding the stick like this and it's going around  the window and keeping it relatively centered but   i can accomplish a lot of those same things using  pois instead i'm going to move forward to get a   little bit closer to this windmill i'm going to  put my gimbal down you can change the gimbal by   the way as you do this there we go i'm going to  highlight the windmill again see if it locks back   on perfect now i'm going to choose poi and i'm  going to choose go and now it's going to go ahead   and rotate around to the direction that i said so  in this case i'm going to rotate faster this way   and you can see now it's a little bit faster  because i'm so far away from it it's going to   feel slow at this point but you can see that it's  uh doing that i can then change the direction the   other direction if i want to and you'll see it'll  stop here and rotate the other way like this   and again if i was much closer it would  do this faster so let's go back to me   just so you can see what this looks like i  gotta press the little x on that up there   i'm gonna purposely keep the aircraft above  any trees nearby so if i just look out here   i'm not gonna hit those trees if i go sideways  or not gonna hit these trees over there if i go   sideways and the reason is remember there's no  side obstacle void in sensors so if i were to go   ahead and go sideways and do the poi and rotation  stuff and there's a tree to the side of me it's   going to run right into it okay poi and go and now  it's going to rotate around me and now i can speed   up and you can see it'll move a lot faster now  because it's pretty close to me and i can see this   aircraft above me i can see it's well above any  trees in this rotation here because again there's   no side obstacle avoidance and it would happily  smash into something and we'd be out of drone   and i can then rotate the other direction  if i want to by just swinging that around   and at this point it says low battery rth so  when it reaches 20 it's going to automatically   return to home unless i cancel it so it's going  to go ahead and start to return home process   i can cancel that though by just pressing this  little button right there and it'll cancel that   what i'm going to do now though is land this  one time quickly and then we'll switch off and   do the active track so let me show you  how landing works i'm gonna go forward   and i'm gonna bring it myself down close to  me i always prefer to land facing myself i   just kind of like my thing in life i don't  know i just do now when it gets really upset   like this so i got my camera up so you can see  the landing here since my other camera is dead   so i'm going to go ahead and move it over a  little bit try to do this there we go like this   and i'm going to slowly bring it down by just  pressing the down arrow now you can see right   now land on the bushes which isn't ideal go over  a little more like that and now i press the little   uh land icon there home icon hold this down and  it'll go straight down and land automatically   this case is going to land on the grass it's  probably going to stop the props probably be   slightly upset about that it's no big deal these  props are fine to land in the grass like that   and you can see there we go boom made a little  upset sound as it hit that and now we're landed   so let me just swap the battery out real quick and  we'll get back up in the air again now we've got   a couple areas left we've got quick shots we've  got master shots and active track and i'm actually   going to active track to me on this it'll be lots  of fun uh so stay tuned for that so starting off   with quick shots i then press the little film  strip icon again and i go down to quick shots   quick shots are exactly what they imply there are  quick little shots you see dronie right there in   the illustration of what it's doing uh rocket  circle helix boomerang asteroid is new for the   mini three in the past the mini series actually  had quick shots but no obstacle avoidance   so you still to be very careful into what you're  doing but at least there's a little bit of a   safeguard there so in this case you'll  see it automatically recognized me i see   a little plus right there i tap that you  can then tell the distance you want it to go   let me tap that at the bottom there rotate along  we'll choose that and then we just choose start   now normally you start this a lot closer than this  but let me just show you what it's going to do now   it's going to go ahead and fly away from me now  this is where if you were going ahead and you had   for example like some epic sunset behind you or  epic scene you would go ahead and probably put   the controller out of you so you don't see that  and you have that countdown at the very beginning   there to do that you can always press the pause  button up on the controller itself or the stop   button on the display there and that will stop  that after this is done it'll return a home again   the main thing to be aware of with all these quick  shot modes especially the ones that rotate around   you is there's no side obstacle avoidance sensors  so these modes are here with the assumption   that you are paying attention to what you're  doing for a dronie like this because it has   the backwards optical avoidance sensors it's a  relatively safe mood to do but as i go ahead and   look at the other ones here i'm going to show you  like the helix for example where it rotates and   goes upwards in a spiral that's something i've  been more careful with there we go we're back   i'm now going to choose a different one i'm going  to choose the helix and you can see it's going to   kind of rotate around i'm going to get a little  bit closer to me but again above all the trees   that are nearby i then tap myself i can choose  which direction to go in so we go tap myself the   maximum radiance again obstacle avoidance be aware  of that and then start and it's going to go ahead   and get that countdown this is where i might hide  the controller and be like yo no controller here   it's all good you can see it's going to start to  rotate around me and i'll just give you the kind   of quick little version of what this looks like as  it goes ahead and finishes it up now quick shots   are great for just getting one-off quick shots  like that it takes about a minute or so to finish   but if you want like a whole pile of options or a  whole pile of shots you choose master shots here   uh it is probably one of the coolest features out  there even for like pro drone folks and the main   reason why is master shots give you a two to three  minute b-roll extravaganza it basically takes all   those quick shots and a few other things and just  does them one thing after another and gives you   this two to three minute just raw b-roll file  or it gives you an edited little short video   depending on what video length you want so to  do that we're gonna go to the webmill because   that's like the place to do this so let me find  the windmill over there so i'm gonna draw an   object around this or sorry a square around this  so now that's the object the estimated flight time   for how long so do i want the medium width medium  length medium height uh how high do i want to go   et cetera so i can change that to be small or  high we're going to medium height there we go   and then the estimated length so if i were  to choose a medium or long length sorry   you'll see it'll increase the flight duration  because it's got to fly further so now 220 and   i'm going to press start move my map out of the  way and now again watch first running obstacles   now it's just going to go through all these i'm  going to stop this because i forgot one thing   i just remembered i did not change my resolution  up to 4k don't want no garbage there now i'm going   to choose start right there and ready to go now  one way you make three minutes here so i'm going   to speed this whole thing up and you can kind of  watch what it's going to do so the first one right   there is the dronie that it's doing it's going to  show you each one of these shots one after another   now when it's done with its master shots it's  going to give you basically two things the first   is this two and a half minute long file this is  just all those shots strung together this is full   resolution and also if you want to take this and  put it in some sort of other projects just kind   of cut up the pieces that you want but if you tap  on this that'll open up in the bottom right hand   corner you see a little magic wand this allows  you to create a quick master shots edit so you   can choose some templates here there's a bunch  of them they all have different times of them   and then within those different templates they  have music associated with them as well as kind   of different cut sequences and effects so for fun  here is one of the ones that you can choose this   is the 20 second or so edit including it's all  music completely done by master shots right to you next up we've got hyperlapse now hyperlapse is  essentially a way to go ahead and create a time   lapse but in the sky the main difference between  time lapse and hype lapse is that you're moving   somewhere with the hyperlapse so i'm going to  choose that option in the menu there again the   film option then down to hyperlapse and on the  side you've got a couple core different options   you've got free circle course lock or waypoint  you probably won't use free because that means   you have to manually move the controls which  will not generally come with a good result uh   then you've got circle which means you're going  to rotate around an object like the windmill there   you've got coarse lock which means it's going to  go ahead and keep the same heading that's a really   useful one and you've got waypoints in the case  of waypoints i can set individual waypoints for   example following the curve of the river right  here and i'll go ahead and follow that over the   course of a given set period of time so i'm going  to choose a lock course to begin with actually   prefer that one i'm going to go back a little bit  further here first just manually controlling it   there we go and then i can go ahead and i can lock  my directions i just tap that now the direction is   locked i can set how often to take the photo  in this case i can set a two second interval   i can set the length this is how long i want  my entire hyperlapse to be at the end of it   so in this case five second long hyperlapse  because it's shooting 125 frames and it'll   take me four minutes to do that four months and  10 seconds and then i can choose the speed of how   long i want or how fast i want the aircraft  to move so i can choose this one right here   five uh kilometers six kilometers an hour and  then i go ahead and i press the record button   and off it goes you can see it's gonna go ahead  and move itself along showing the number of frames   as it takes each individual frame and at the end  of this entire thing i've got a hyperlapse that   costs a given section of time in this case i got  three minutes and 56 seconds remaining for this   particular hyperlapse to finish i can add time  to it though at the bottom you see that plus 1s   this means to add one second of final video time  so previously i had a five second long video by   time it completes if i press the one s button  right there you'll see it'll add uh 50 seconds   worth of shooting duration to it to get that  one extra frame per second of final video time   now in this case as exciting as this particular  hyperlapse will be it's not that exciting because   there's not much movement in this scene it's  basically just a slow moving frame again if i   had a clouds moving or boats or all sorts of cool  stuff it would be really cool so a better example   this here's the hyperlapse i took last week  admittedly i don't have any great hyperlapses here   but you can see how the boats are moving quickly  also notice the traffic in the upper corner there   again as the camera moves long the traffic just  flies past it's worthwhile noting at the bottom   though before i get away from this that i can  change the settings so see where it says 4k raw   that basically means that one it's going to shoot  in 4k the end resultant video that it's going to   output and then two it's going to give me the  original photos that it goes and takes to make   that uh hyperlapse so you see at the bottom my  original option is off don't make any photos   at all two to do jpegs or three to do raw  if you're really into photography and you   want to go ahead and take all of those photos  which are much much higher resolution than 4k   this is super useful because now you can go ahead  and do zooms and stuff like that after the fact   at a much higher resolution again more advanced  features that you can do in my case i just have   the backup there i'm almost always going to  just use the exported 4k file as a video and   not necessarily worry about the photos but if i do  want to do something that's kind of cool to have   that option and it's time to do some active track  now this will be a very basic after track example   i've got an entire active track video up in the  corner up here somewhere that you can go ahead and   check it all out now the first time you do after  track i recommend like starting the football field   and walking in circles don't don't try doing on  a moving platform and don't try doing with trees   around but the main thing remember just like again  i cannot emphasize this enough if you fly sideways   it's going to fly sideways into these trees so  in my case i'm going to keep it just actually   above the tree line here so in case there's  any errors at worst it'll just fly above it   so now i'm behind me right now there we go just  like this and i've got this photo mode out of   the way all i do is simply highlight  myself but first time i get this bike   so i'm gonna go ahead and highlight myself just  like this and you can see when i do that it gives   me the active track option so when i tap that  i've got two options trace or parallel trace   means to follow me from behind parallel means to  be at my side again parallel is kind of dangerous   unless you have nothing around you in this case i  could get away with parallel if i've got it above   these trees right here but it's really best for  like the desert or beach uh for example here's   a beach shot of me running on the beach i did that  in parallel because it's not going to run anything   there's no problems there as long as it stays  a certain height i'm going to tap myself again   choose active track choose go and now it's going  to hang out behind me it's as simple as that i can   just pedal along like this and you'll see it'll  automatically follow me as we go down this path   pretty cool right i can speed up has no  problems keeping up with me on the bike   at this point and it's using the obstacle  avoidance sensors in case you see something there we go pretty scenic stuff this is super  useful for following someone else as well as   just following yourself doing this you can  actually buy bike mounts and things like   that for controllers i have one for the regular  controller hopefully they'll soon be available uh   one for the uh smart controller here sorry the  dji controller dji rc the official name of it   so i can keep on going all the way down this  path if i wanted to but i want to show you   what happens when i turn around because it's  really something you need to be aware of   if you're flying so in this case i'm going to turn  around right here there we go and then watch what   it's going to do it's going to slowly kind of  back up there now when you see when it backs up   you want to be aware of what it's doing because  it's also going to do a little bit sideways   backing up isn't a huge deal per se just going to  give it a second it's keeping me tracked and it's   going to eventually rotate out to the side once  it finds its spot here see if it'll do it come on   maybe usually it does rotate out to the side  it's got me tracked and so at this point it's   a little bit risky in the sense that if i  was closer to trees or something like that   it might not go ahead and avoid those trees  you can see now it's totally the side of me   no problems because there's no trees in the way  it's still tracking me hasn't lost me yet and now   it's starting to pull its way back behind me so  it creates this kind of like j-turn if you will   behind me and then it's good to go again and this  is where you really want to kind of understand   how the drone flies and i have many years of  understanding active track and what it is or   isn't going to do and so i can kind of predict  these sort of things but it's that churn where   if you're not comfortable with it you might  want to stop before it goes ahead and makes   that turn we can go all the way down this  direction out here and no problems at all   now i'm going to show you parallel mode real quick  so again i'm going to highlight myself right there   see if it finds me perfect i'm going to choose  active track i'm going to choose parallel i'm   going to choose go subject is too far away  so fly a little bit closer again active track   parallel go there we go seems reasonably happy  about that now and now we'll get going here and   it should stay just the side of me i'm pretty  confident right now there's nothing in the river   plus i can see what's it's about to fly into above  all these trees and now i've got this kind of nice   sideways shot there uh you can see it kind of kind  of stop and go a little bit as it tries to figure   out things things are in the way like these little  reeds and whatnot but it's a pretty cool shot like   this and again if i was more confident in the  area i can go even lower if i wanted to so i can   bring this down like this again right on the river  itself and get a really cool kind of profile shot   as i go past the trees or sorry i passed  everything and this is an awesome shot to get   again you have to really trust what you're doing  though and know that it's not going to fly into   anything in this case i'm over a river there's  really nothing to fly into except those trees   right there the reeds but it's got the obstacle  avoidance sensors on the front to avoid that   i'm going to press stop so i press that pause  button because it's not necessarily seeing these   small reeds right there uh these kind of twigs  and stuff if you will so i'm gonna bring that up   and now i'm clear of this and ready to  roll okay we're gonna get back to our   starting point right now and uh go from there  so i'm just gonna go kind of full speed here   full send if you will doing about  26k right now cruising along i actually kind of like the framing that it  shows right now it does generally keep the   it does generally go ahead and uh rotate to the  center point but oh by the way some of you are   probably wondering right now what the heck it is  that i'm riding in this is the cargo bike here in   the netherlands this is super common effect it's  incredibly common this particular model is called   the urban arrow uh but it basically allows  me to carry my whole family three kids a dog   my wife and i can all fit in this one bike if we  want to uh and go anywhere i want in town it's   it's a blast this is us the only thing i have  remaining right now is sport mode so to choose   into sport mode to go into sport mode i go ahead  and move my selector right there from n over to s   in this mode i no longer have any sort of obstacle  avoidance i can go ahead and get up out of the way   here just so i'm not worried about anything and  sport mode moves quick so just kind of understand   this it's way faster than it was before so now you  can see i'm moving along super quick at this point   got some rc signal interference not really  sure what that's from but no big deal we'll   just get a little higher usually that solves  it you can see as i move around it's a lot   quicker to respond that's not as smooth anymore  uh versus if i'm in normal mode it's much smoother   but this allows me to go much faster this can be  useful when you want to get back from somewhere   far away after doing a hyperlapse or something  like that so i'm just going to fly right towards   me right here again there is no obstacle avoidance  so just keep that in mind so like that tree right   there you want to ensure that you're not you can  hit that tree in my case i manually controlled   over the top of it you will see those obstacles  show up on the menu so you see right there the red   but it'll fly happily right into that to get  back in normal mode again just simply toggle   back to normal just like this and now you're in  normal mode and now if i try if i go down here on   purpose if i try to fly into this it's just going  to automatically go up and around it like that how   cool is that it just just works now for this last  thing i want to show you hand catching a drone i   think it's an incredibly useful skill to have and  it allows you to get yourself out of the pickle   if conditions change so you can always go ahead  and land using the return to home option or the   buttons on there or even just manually flying  it to the ground but there are many scenarios   like out in a boat maybe in deeper snow or in the  beach with lots of sand or you don't want to put   the aircraft near the sand or hand catching it  is way better for the aircraft's viability and   lifelong durability so to hand fly it's all you do  to hand catch it all you do is go ahead and bring   it down somewhere away from you so in this case  i'm you know two meters away from it i'm gonna   bring it down right here i prefer to bring it down  to roughly head level uh and the reason is that i   wanna be able to see what i'm doing if i bring it  down like this i'm likely gonna hit my hand on the   props in this case if i'm at head level it's super  easy once you got it right there then walk towards   it stay about a meter away like this two meters  away now once you have it like this you're gonna   reach under you're gonna take the drone hold on  the drone and simply flip it over just like that   the moment you flip over a dji drone it will turn  off it is as easy as that and now you can stop a   recording if you want to but again just by simply  reaching up grabbing the drone from underneath you   won't hit the props you flip it over like this  with your hand you're done you can do this for   every single one well not like the inspire series  but all the dji consumer drones you can do this   and this is how i land virtually every single one  of my drones because i find that the safest option   for the drone and honestly on a drone like this  even if you do hit the props with your hand it's   it'll hurt but it won't won't cut blood in most  cases so before we shut this off though i want to   quickly show you downloading some of those photos  and videos so on the right hand side you've got a   little gallery play button right there just  simply tap that it'll load up all the stuff   that's on your drone i've got a bunch of stuff  here you can scroll down to find what you want   so here's the day that i shot this tutorial you'll  see that each one of these clips has a slightly   different icon on it so these top three there the  top left hand side are video clips then there's   some quick shots there's the master shots up to  the left there up to the right sorry you can see   there's the pano there's photos in here so if i  open up this 48 megapixel photo right there i can   then choose to download it by tapping the lower  right hand button then my option is to download   the phone album or download to the dji app album  i'll choose my phone album in the lower right-hand   corner you can see the progress bar it's almost  done and it's done it's as quick as that i can   do the exact same thing for a video here is a 17  second video this is a vertical video in this case   so you can see that i can play it right now if i  wanted to um or i can just simply download not a   lot of action in this video but that's fine and i  can download it and choose the phone album or the   app album in this case it's using the controller  to download it from the drone you can also use   the wi-fi direct option between your phone and the  drone if i go and unplug the controller you'll see   the icon in the right-hand corner there and i can  go ahead and refresh that and find the aircraft   nearby and then download that way instead this way  is a whole lot faster to download things and does   not require the controller be powered on just your  phone and the drone okay hopefully you found this   video interestingly useful uh if so definitely  drop a comment down at the bottom there's another   area that you want me to cover i'm happy to do  that or press the like button it really does help   out this video in the channel quite a bit and i i  really appreciate it again consider subscribing i   got plenty more kind of cool things to cover on  this all sorts of nuances and in fun areas that   i just like exploring oops and apparently  does this does too anyways have a good one

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