Wednesday, July 14, 2021

VOTE: Your chance to rate the Wallabies players vs France

It was almost as exciting as the first Test but, for Wallabies fans, the result was far less enjoyable.

With the Wallabies going down to France 28-26 in a thriller last night, it’s time for you – the readers – to rate each player out of ten.

If you’re not across how we do this thing on The Roar, don’t worry. We’ve got handy instructions just here.

Simply, you rate each player from 1-10 based on your assessment of how well they performed. If you don’t think they were on the field long enough, or you just didn’t catch them enough, you don’t have to rate them – you can leave them blank.

Then, we take everyone’s votes, crunch the numbers together and publish them the next day, so you can see where your opinion falls amongst your fellow Roarers.

For a guide on how scores work, check this box out.

1. Had he not played, the team would have been better off. Negatively affected the performance of the side. May God John Eales have mercy on his soul.
2. Anonymous. Was he even there?
3. Did some things that you expect a player to be able to do, but did a whole bunch of other things that sucked.
4. Was passable in patches, but not up to standard in a match of such importance.
5. Performed his role without anything really noticeable happening.
6. Good.
7. Pretty good, actually.
8. Very good.
9. Excellent.
10. Extraordinary. Calling them man of the match would be an insult.

So, what are you waiting for? Fill the ballot in now!


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